Training Predictive & Preventive Maintenance Management





Training Predictive & Preventive Maintenance Management ā€“ Preventive and predictive maintenance is a maintenance system which very reliable to prevent some sudden troubles or breakdown that may happened on factoryā€™s tools/equipments. The sudden troubles are very potential things that caused a big loss in production process. The effects of this problem are some failure to achieve production target, the lack of personnel, unprepared spare parts, etc. Preventive and predictive maintenance application system starts from standard arranging, activity planning, realization supervising, and, as the finish line is, evaluating and analyzing the maintenanceā€™s result.



Tujuan Pelatihan Predictive & Preventive Maintenance Management :

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Develop, implement and supervise the preventive and predictive maintenance program
  • Economize the time, money and companyā€™s resources by using sophisticated technique and method in order to optimize the affectivity of maintenance.
  • Prevent the companyā€™s equipment and tools from damage and make the machineā€™s living period longer.
  • Decrease the down time


Materi Pelatihan Predictive & Preventive Maintenance Management :

Why Preventive & Predictive Maintenance

Ƙ Apprising maintenance performance and effectiveness

Ƙ Typical maintenance controls

Ƙ Reactive maintenance

Ƙ Anticipative maintenance

Ƙ Ascertainment of equipment condition

Ƙ The need for preventive maintenance

Ƙ Why preventive maintenance

Ƙ Preventive Predictive maintenance objectives

Ƙ Preventive Predictive maintenance prerequisites

Ƙ Preventive maintenance feasibility analysis

Ƙ Policies

Ƙ PM program functions

Ƙ Cost impact

Ƙ Saving potential

Developing the Preventive Predictive Maintenance Program

  1. Assignment of organizational responsibilities typical maintenance functional assignments operational concepts
  2. Equipment to be included
  3. Equipment inventory sheet ā€“ examples
  4. Equipment numbering concepts
  5. The PM work order
  6. Developing the inspection sheet
  7. ECS rating sheet as cross reference
  8. Sample of equipment components
  9. Spare parts and material needs
  10. Inspection sheet examples
  11. Determining the frequency cycle
  12. Frequency cycle examples
  13. Scheduled frequency overview
  14. Developing job safety practices ā€“ typical examples
  15. Considering manual versus computerization
  16. Predictive maintenance can determine maintenance requirement
  17. Predictive maintenance and its applied techniques as part of the PM program
  18. Vibration analysis
  19. Wear particle analyzing
  20. Thermography


  • Job planning
  • The planning function
  • Planning, Service to do
  • Job planning prerequisite
  • Planners qualifications
  • Duties and responsibilities of planners
  • The hob package
  • Line supervisors qualifications
  • Planning permits Us, to forecast, communicate and measure
  • What job should be planned
  • Time required to perform workā€¦labor content
  • Standard defined
  • Consistency of estimating
  • Estimating methods
  • Work backlog
  • Scheduling of maintenance work
  • PERT and CPM as scheduling tools
  • Loading of the PM work order
  • Load leveling
  • Weekly scheduling
  • Manpower requirements forecasting
  • Forecasting by crew
  • Forecasting by department
  • Weekly schedule ā€“ Computer and manual example
  • Training of personnel


  • Preventive maintenance administration
  • Planned maintenance
  • Special tools and equipment
  • Service user coordination
  • Equipment availability
  • Service user notification ā€“ examples
  • Automotive notification ā€“ examples
  • Control reporting
  • What should be included
  • Schedule for supervisor
  • Schedule for supervisor service user
  • Overdue for maintenance and service user
  • Missed PM report for maintenance and service user
  • Complete PMā€™s
  • Summary report of all PMā€™s completed
  • Listing of all PMā€™s set-up in program
  • Planning and scheduling index example
  • Assurance of work performed
  • Conformance and auditing
  • Feedback evaluation/corrective action cycle


  • Effectiveness of the preventive maintenance program
  • Refining the PM program
  • 3Correlating preventive maintenance to breakdown maintenance
  • Measuring and appraising the PM program
  • Equipment history
  • Analyzing equipment failures
  • Some relevant maintenance control indices


  1. How to organize, develop and implement a successful preventive maintenance program summary
  2. Adapting the PM concept at your location
  3. Hands-on exercise




Fasilitas Training Yang Diperoleh :

  • Lokasi Training di Hotel Bintang 3-5
  • Ruang Pelatihan Full AC, Toilet dan Musholla
  • Perlengkapan Visual LCD Proyektor, & Whiteboard
  • Akses Internet Wireless
  • Smoking Area.
  • Modul Materi (Hard Copy & Soft Copy)
  • Flashdisk
  • Training Kit (Co-Card, Bolpoin, & Buku Catatan)
  • Sertifikat Keikutsertaan Training
  • Merchandise menarik dari Duta Pro Training & Consulting
  • Konsultasi dengan Instruktur setelah Pelatihan
  • 1x Makan Siang dan 2x Coffee Break (Jam 10:00 & 14:00)
  • Penjemputan Bandara ā€“ Hotel

Lokasi Training di Jakarta :

Lokasi Training di Kota Lainnya :

  • YogyakartaĀ : Hotel Dafam Malioboro, Ibis Style Malioboro, Forriz Hotel, Neo Malioboro
  • BandungĀ : Ibis Pasteur Hotel, Gino Feruci Hotel, Verona Palace Hotel
  • Surabaya : Hotel Ibis Merah, Yello Hotel Jemursari, Neo Gubeng Hotel, Bidakara Hotel
  • Malang : favehotel Tlogomas Malang, Maxone Hotels at Malang, Hotel Tugu Malang
  • Semarang : Hotel Dafam Semarang, Whiz Hotel Semarang, Aston Semarang Hotel And Convention Center, Hotel Ciputra
  • Solo : favehotel Manahan, Brothers Inn Solo, ASTON Solo Hotel, The Alana Hotel and Convention Center
  • Lombok: Hotel Lombok Garden, Grand Senggigi Hotel, favehotel Langko Mataram

Keterangan :

  1. Jumlah Peserta dapat memperngaruhi biaya training.
  2. Biaya dan Lokasi diatas hanya untukĀ Private TrainingĀ danĀ Public Training, untukĀ In House TrainingĀ penawarannya dapat menghubungi kami dilink berikut (kontak kami).
  3. JumlahĀ peserta, jadwal training dan lokasi training dapat menyesuaikan permintaan.
  4. Pemintaan lokasi yangĀ diluar daftarĀ diatas dapat menghubungiĀ kontak Marketing Kami.

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